Save the Children
What We Do!
Early Steps Program
In partnership with schools and community-based organizations, Early Steps provides education services to children from birth to age five, support to parents and other caregivers and ongoing training to community educators. The program is designed to assist children in language, social and emotional development; to equip parents with the skills and knowledge to successfully support their children’s growth; and to develop strong home-school connections. Through Early Steps, Save the Children is building strong foundations for parenting and school readiness and serving as a powerful catalyst in helping children achieve a lifetime of learning.
Summer Reading Challenge Reading Log
School-Age Program
As part of the continuum of programmatic work for Save the Children, school-age programs are designed to support children and their school communities to increase the number of children proficient in reading and math by 3rd grade. Through in-school, afterschool and summer offerings, children have the opportunity to participate in additional activities designed to accelerate learning.