The Arkansas Department of Education recently made an opportunity available to transition to an alternate calendar for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year. This option allows us to count instructional minutes/hours and bank time to be used in case of inclement weather or situations that cause us to miss onsite instruction. This waiver was submitted this morning to DESE with PPC/CPPC Committee and board support.
The required number of hours per year is 1,068.
With our current bell schedule, we can achieve this in 174 days.
Here’s what families need to know:
This calendar is still 5 days a week.
This calendar keeps the current bell schedule.
February 19 will be taken as a holiday for Winter Break.
March 15 was added as a school holiday.
The end of the 4th quarter will be May 22 instead of May 24.
Make-up hours (if needed) are listed at the bottom.
All other dates are the same as before.